Here’s Your Summer 2019 Social Media Bingo Card

Stephen Tornetta
July 31, 2019

Summer 2019 has already been a HOT and WILD one, and we’re only halfway through it. Between the constant tornado warnings and the record-breaking heat here in Philly, we’ve all needed a little something to distract us.

Since it seems like everyone in the world (or at least on my social feeds) has been on a beach relaxing or escaping the heat to a lush forest, I thought we could all play a little relaxing game inspired by Philly Snark’s hilarious Philly 2019 Summer Bingo card.

The rules: Scroll through your social feeds and check off a box every time you see one of these oh-so-summery posts. For optimal chances at winning, play on a sunny Saturday. BINGO, baby!

Have fun!