4 Things The New Snapchat Update Means For You

Craig Beyerle
September 29, 2015

September 15, 2015: A day that will live in infamy. The reason? It’s the day Snapchat released its latest update, called “A Whole New Way to See Yourself(ie)”. By now, you received multiple snaps of rainbow vomit, endless videos of tears, hearts and many glamorous paparazzi shots. While it seems each day there are new lenses are added and others vanishing (as quick as Facebook’s poke app. Remember that?), Snapchat has once again raised the bar in keeping their users engaged and hooked.

We’ve watched Snapchat amp up their editorial selection, cover worldwide events and consistently add in new geofilters. Now the app has once again defied the odds and developed a way to keep their users interested AND talking. Here are the four things this major new Snapchat update means for you.


  1. The Big D

You’ll find yourself endlessly exploring the various lenses. You’ll be consumed with laughter and saying to yourself “Do it again, do it again”! Sure, the filming aspect is a whole lotta fun but with that, there’s a price to pay – DATA. As much as we all hate getting those reminder texts that reads “You have used 80% of your data for this month,” you can expect to see ‘em more after you spend endless time filming yourself at least four times in each filter.


  1. Stronger Than Yesterday

With the new lenses come very important instructions. “Raise your eyebrows,” and “Open your mouth,” are what you’ll see over and over again. Since we’re trained to follow instructions, that’s exactly what you’ll see each Snapchatter doing: raising eyebrows and opening their mouths. On any given day there are seven lenses to choose from that’ll have you exercising all parts of your face. Say goodbye to the double chin and hello to the wrinkles on your forehead.


  1. Raising The Bar

Snapchat has allowed us to online casino draw on our pictures and videos, add in emojis and different filters. Now on top of all that, you can include these new selfie lenses. While you’ll spend an endless amount of time mastering the perfect snap, the level of creativity and originality matters now more than ever. Sure, you can do the crying video or the smoke-coming-from-your-nostrils video, but would you ever think to do this? Or this?


  1. Ch-ch-ch-changes

By now you probably noticed that the kick-off filters are no longer available (i.e. you can no longer puke rainbows #sadface). While most us are disappointed that some filters come and go, you can bet Snapchat is always busy adding in new (dare I say better?) lenses.


September 15

September 23


It’s important to recognize that the main reason Snapchat is continuously adding and removing these new video filters is so users are constantly engaged and better yet, still talking about the update.

The popular four-year-old app is showing no signs of suffering from the Words With Friends syndrome. Continuing to innovate the social media sphere, Snapchat continues to dominate the world.

Do you have a favorite lens? Let me know in the comments section below.