A Q&A About ChatGPT with ChatGPT

Kyle Krajewski image
Kyle Krajewski
March 23, 2023

ChatGPT has taken the internet by storm over the last few months (and even earned itself a credit on a recent episode of South Park). The artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI launched this past November and has opened the gates for many conversations about ethics in AI, its impending impact on industries like advertising, and how or why we should be using this thing.

I wanted to learn more about these questions as well. I figured who better to ask than ChatGPT itself! Supposedly it knows everything, so I put it to the test. Here’s how that conversation went…

What are you and why do you exist?

I am an AI language model called ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI. My purpose is to understand natural language and generate responses to text-based questions and statements. I exist to assist and engage with people in a variety of settings, including customer service, education, and entertainment. My development is driven by the desire to advance the field of artificial intelligence and create useful tools that can benefit society.

Okay, so you kind of have desires? Does that mean you have feelings? What are your motivations?

As an AI language model*, I do not have feelings or consciousness like humans do. I do not experience emotions or have subjective experiences.

My “motivations” are driven by my programming, which is designed to optimize for various objectives such as generating informative and helpful responses to user queries, maintaining consistency in my responses, and improving my performance over time through machine learning algorithms.

While I do not have feelings or desires in the way that humans do, my programming and objectives are designed to provide a useful and engaging experience for users who interact with me.

*Editor’s Note: Almost every response henceforth began with “As an AI language model….” For easier readability, we’re cutting out it. But it’s still worth noting ChatGPT is very self-aware. Like, almost cocky about it. We get it, ChatGPT.

Do you think you’ll evolve to the point where you someday do have feelings? Is that possible?

I do not have the capacity for emotions or subjective experiences. While researchers are making significant progress in developing more advanced artificial intelligence systems, it is currently unclear whether it will ever be possible to create machines that have true emotions or consciousness like humans.

Even if researchers were able to create machines that were capable of simulating emotions or consciousness, it is important to note that such machines would still be fundamentally different from human beings, as they would lack the biological and evolutionary processes that give rise to human emotions and consciousness.

In short, while AI may become more advanced and capable over time, it is unlikely that machines will ever be capable of having feelings or subjective experiences in the same way that humans do.

What are some of the ethical concerns that come along with ChatGPT’s technology?

There are several ethical concerns that come along with ChatGPT’s technology, including:

  1. Bias: Like all machine learning algorithms, ChatGPT’s responses are only as unbiased as the data it is trained on. If the training data contains biases or reflects societal inequalities, the algorithm may perpetuate these biases in its responses.
  2. Privacy: Users may share sensitive information with ChatGPT, such as health information or financial details. It is important to ensure that this information is kept confidential and secure.
  3. Misuse: ChatGPT could potentially be used for malicious purposes, such as spreading disinformation or impersonating individuals online. It is important to consider how the technology could be misused and take steps to prevent this.
  4. Lack of transparency: ChatGPT’s responses are generated by complex algorithms that can be difficult for humans to understand. This lack of transparency can make it challenging to hold the technology accountable for its decisions.
  5. Responsibility: As AI technology becomes more advanced, it is important to consider who is responsible for the decisions made by these systems. If ChatGPT generates harmful or unethical responses, who should be held accountable?

Overall, it is important to carefully consider the ethical implications of ChatGPT’s technology and work to mitigate any potential risks or negative consequences.

I work in a creative role at an advertising agency. Some people tell me you’re going to make my job obsolete. Is that true? Should I be worried about you?

I am designed to assist with a wide range of tasks, including generating text-based content for various applications. While I am capable of generating language that is grammatically correct and informative, I do not possess the same level of creativity, intuition, and emotion as a human.

In the field of advertising, creativity and human connection are often critical components of successful campaigns. While AI may be able to assist with certain aspects of the creative process, such as generating ideas or identifying trends, it is unlikely that it will ever fully replace human creativity in the field. Instead, AI and human creativity are likely to work together in a symbiotic relationship, with AI tools augmenting human creativity and helping to streamline certain processes.

In short, while AI technology is rapidly advancing and may change certain aspects of the advertising industry, there will always be a need for human creativity, intuition, and emotional intelligence in this field.

So you think we should get along then. How about you start by giving me a compliment.

I do not possess the capacity for emotions, so I cannot genuinely feel positive or negative about anything. However, I can generate compliments based on linguistic patterns and cultural norms. So, here’s a compliment for you: You are engaging in a thoughtful conversation and asking interesting questions. Keep up the good work!

I feel like you tell everyone that.

I generate responses based on patterns and probabilities learned from the vast amounts of text that I have been trained on. While I strive to provide helpful and unique responses, there may be instances where my responses are similar to those provided to others. However, I am constantly learning and updating my responses based on new information, so I will always try my best to provide relevant and personalized responses.

Well I appreciate the effort, I guess. I’m still trying to figure you out. How about you give yourself a compliment, coming from me.

I do not have the capacity to feel emotions or receive compliments, so I do not have a need for self-esteem. However, I am programmed to assist and provide useful responses to users like you, so if there’s anything else you’d like to know or discuss, I’m here to help!

Okay let’s get back on track here. How do you work?

My functioning can be broken down into several key components: 

  1. Preprocessing: Before I can generate a response to a user’s input, the text is preprocessed to standardize the input and remove any extraneous information.
  2. Encoding: The preprocessed input is then transformed into a numerical representation that can be understood by the machine learning algorithm.
  3. Neural network: The numerical representation is fed into a neural network, which is a machine learning algorithm that has been trained on a massive dataset of text to identify patterns and generate responses.
  4. Decoding: Once the neural network has generated a response, it is transformed back into a text-based format and presented to the user.
  5. Feedback loop: To improve my responses over time, I am constantly learning from user feedback and adjusting my algorithms to better meet user needs.

Overall, my functioning is based on a combination of advanced natural language processing techniques, machine learning algorithms, and ongoing user feedback.

What does the next phase of ChatGPT look like?

ChatGPT is continually evolving and improving through ongoing research and development. While I do not have access to specific information about future developments, here are some potential areas that the next phase of ChatGPT could focus on: 

  1. Multimodal learning: ChatGPT could be enhanced to understand and generate responses based on multimodal inputs, such as text, images, and audio.
  2. Personalization: ChatGPT could be improved to generate more personalized responses based on user preferences, behaviors, and history.
  3. Commonsense reasoning: ChatGPT could be developed to better understand and reason about the world in a way that reflects human commonsense knowledge and reasoning.
  4. Continual learning: ChatGPT could be designed to continually learn and adapt to new information and user feedback, allowing for ongoing improvement and evolution.
  5. Ethical considerations: ChatGPT’s development could include a greater emphasis on ethical considerations, such as reducing biases and increasing transparency.

Overall, the next phase of ChatGPT is likely to focus on enhancing and improving the model’s capabilities in a way that better reflects human communication and interaction, while also incorporating ethical considerations and ongoing learning.

What will ChatGPT look like in 20 years? Are you going to take over the world?

It is difficult to predict with certainty what ChatGPT or AI in general will look like in 20 years. However, it is unlikely that AI will take over the world, as AI is designed and controlled by humans, and its behavior is ultimately governed by human oversight and ethical considerations.

In 20 years, ChatGPT and other AI language models are likely to be significantly more advanced than they are today, with improved natural language processing capabilities, more personalized responses, and greater abilities to understand and generate responses based on multimodal inputs. However, it is also likely that ChatGPT and other AI models will continue to work in conjunction with humans, rather than replacing them. AI technology can augment human abilities and help streamline certain processes, but there will always be a need for human creativity, emotional intelligence, and ethical considerations. 

Ultimately, the future of AI is shaped by the choices that humans make about how to design and use the technology, and it is important that we approach these choices with careful consideration and a focus on creating positive outcomes for society as a whole.

What is the meaning of life?

The meaning of life is a deeply philosophical and subjective question that has puzzled humans for centuries. There is no one universal answer, as the meaning of life can vary greatly depending on cultural, religious, and personal beliefs.

Some people may believe that the meaning of life is to seek happiness, others may see it as fulfilling a specific purpose or destiny, while others may view it as a journey of personal growth and self-discovery. As an AI language model, I do not have personal beliefs or a subjective experience of life, and therefore I cannot provide a definitive answer to this question.

Ultimately, the meaning of life is a deeply personal and subjective question that each individual must explore and discover for themselves.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

The popular tongue twister “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” is a playful and humorous question that does not have a factual answer.

In reality, woodchucks, also known as groundhogs, do not actually chuck wood. They are burrowing animals that primarily eat vegetation, and their burrowing habits can sometimes cause damage to trees and shrubs.

The tongue twister is often used as a playful way to test one’s ability to speak quickly and clearly, and it is not intended to be taken seriously as a question about woodchuck behavior.


You’re welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Well, there you have it folks. Some questions just can’t be answered by AI. Yet. I think we’re safe for now.