Facebook’s Ad Rules on CBD-Related Content

Leo West
June 28, 2019

There are some trends that we sometimes just can’t avoid – avocado toast comes to mind. One of the biggest of the last few years has been the emergence of CBD-based products.

CBD, or cannabidiol, is the non-psychedelic chemical in the cannabis plant and it’s showing up everywhere. You can get CBD oil in your iced coffee and CBD-infused lotion and bath bombs. Hemp-derived CBD is legal in all 50 states but it is still controversial and federally, marijuana is still illegal. This is where Facebook ads come into the topic of conversation.


Facebook currently does not allow pages and brands to boost or use ad dollars to promote products or the subject of CBD. One can still post about CBD organically, but dollars cannot be put behind anything with the terminology, images, or click-through content.

Here’s a friendly reference, directly from Facebook:

Public views and the legality of marijuana usage have been changing for quite some time. Now, 11 states have legalized marijuana use and medical marijuana is legal in 33. Until federal laws change, we recommend not mentioning the words “marijuana,” “CBD,” or the like in any ads or posts you’re looking to boost, or using any type of imagery that may potentially get flagged. If your organization is adamant on promoting these products, be very cautious with wording and keep the CBD-speak to the content on your website.  

Facebook’s high profile in the news these days has impacted their business heavily, and they’re diligent in making sure controversial or potentially damaging products or services don’t get served. For example, in addition to CBD or marijuana, Facebook doesn’t allow ads for firearms, tobacco products, prescription drugs, multi-level marketing companies, penny auctions or the sale of body parts. You read that correctly – if you’re looking to buy or sell a kidney, advertise it somewhere else!

For a full list of prohibited and restricted content, check out their full Ads Policy here.