Keeping Up With The New Brandwatch Updates

Kyle Krajewski
August 11, 2016

Who all out there uses Brandwatch? We sure do. It’s a funky little tool we use in the biz for social media monitoring. Offering lots of features for tracking and analyzing your brand’s online presence, we’d recommend you use it as well. Check out all the tools it has to offer here.

Luckily for the ol’ gang here at ChatterBlast Headquarters, the friendly folks over at Brandwatch are our buds and our brahs. We had the opportunity to hop on a conference call with them recently to get the rundown on all of the cool updates they’re rolling out and why they’re potentially useful to us and our clients.

Now we’re here to relay the message. Here are the two big takeaways ya’ll should know about.

The Audience tool

The Audience tool is currently up and running for you to use for free but will be an add-on beginning September 1. Try it before you buy it. But just in case you’re reading this a little late, here’s the gist of what you’re getting:

Using Twitter bios and combination of other information pulls from keywords in their recent tweets to interests to professions and beyond, the Audience tool produces an influencer list ranked by “influencer level,” as you can see below.

From here, you can bring this list into Brandwatch analytics to track their conversations over time. Simple.

Instagram insights and dashboard

FINALLY. Goodbye to all of that Iconosquare nonsense. Brandwatch saves the day again as their new Instagram insights cover all of the following (using the @reebokclassics page as an example to give you an idea of what it’ll look like).

Owner Posts: Compare the number of posts the Channel published during the current and previous period and know the percentage of change between them.

Audience Interactions: Compare the sum of total likes and comments the Channel received during the current and the previous period and know the percentage of change between them.

Net Followers: Compare the number of followers gained minus lost during the current and previous period and know the percentage of change between them.Channel Engagement: Compare the impact that the channel had during the current and previous period and know the percent of change between them. This rate is calculated by dividing total interactions by total followers. The sum is then normalized by multiplying by 100.

Top Posts: Find your best performing posts here.

Pretty cool, right? Right.

Shout out to Brandwatch for really upping their game in 2016. If you have any more specific questions about how to really get into the nitty-gritty of these new updates, just drop us a line in the comments. We’d love to chat more with you about it.

Kyle out.